Who we are & what we would like to achieve

Founded by husband and wife duo, Frank & Rachel; Comuna Coffee is shaped by the direct links with our Colombian Farms, as well as our Irish heritage.

Sparked by the desire to see local coffee farmers sustainably grow and farm higher quality coffees, Comuna Coffee has been feeding into the lives of farmers since 2016. We are driven by the desire to deliver a fair price to the farmers for their produce, beyond the current market commodity price.

We guarantee the highest quality arabica coffee

100% traceability back to our farms

We have a special connection with the farms that supply us. Most are owned and worked on by direct family members of close friends. This allows us to build upon strong pre-existing relationships with the farmers, and we are always encouraged to carry this through to the end buyer.

The Nariño region of Colombia where we exclusively import from is renowned for the quality of its harvest. All our coffee is farmed at 1,700 - 2,000 MASL. This level is the perfect climate of warm tropical days, followed by cool nights. This allows for slower coffee bean development and a sweeter cup is produced.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about Comuna Community Coffee please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact form below.

Our sustainable practices beyond the coffee plant

At Comuna Coffee we are committed to ensuring sustainable practices at each step in out supply chain. We are a tight knit team of coffee lovers, with no middle man, enabling us to focus on the long-term sustainability of coffee farming and securing a brighter future for everyone, from farm to cup.

our coffee, your label

Creating the right coffee for you

From growing and directly importing coffee from our farms in Colombia, to roasting and packing at our purpose built roastery on the North Coast of Ireland; we are able to guarantee a quality product from start to finish. Our experience team of Q-graders, roasters and baristas are all on hand to be able to work alongside potential new customers, to create and package a roast that best suits your business needs.

For more information please get in contact at info@comunacoffee.com